To complete the overall academic spectrum, New Era Academy provides distinct and separate laboratories for practical sessions in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Language & Social Studies in accordance with the curriculum.


Computer is an integral part of the curriculum right from Standard 1 and is introduced as a tool to enrich student’s knowledge base, help in problem solving areas with proper exposure to practical applications including internet. It is an ideal place for the students to nurture their Information Technology skills with full time faculties to assist the students and curriculum designed aptly for the students. In addition to a fully fledged Computer lab, each classroom will have multi-media projector to enable e-learning.


Reading market a full man, conference a ready man and writing an exact man’. School library has extensive collection of text and reference books. The library is also equipped with a wide variety of magazines, periodicals and newspapers with reading room facilities. The School Library is a nerve center for learning, and Library is open to all students of the School during School hours. All classes are provided with one library period per week.A well equipped library forms the pivot of enhanced learning as it endeavors to inculcate a love for books in children, acting as a perfect catalyst to the learning.


New Era Academy provides a safe, secure and green environment for its students with state-of-the-art security and monitoring system. Special procedures and systems are in place to perform a thorough background check of every staff member before hiring.

To ensure safety of your child, as per our admissions policy, at the time of admission you will be asked to fill the “Authorized Persons to Pick up Your Child” or “Parents Card”. Only persons nominated by you through this form or Card will be allowed to pick up your child from the school. The New Era Academy Staff will monitor all the arrivals and departures, thereby maintaining the highest levels of security at all times.


The need of the hour is to introspect, self-evaluate and evolve spiritually, emotionally, mentally & physically. New Era Academy lends ample opportunity and experience for self-actualization, through harmoniously designed meditation hall. Various asanas and breathing exercises form an integral part of their schedule. Not only does it develop their physical ability and vitality but also helps them channelize their energy and temper them down. The practice of several yogic postures and asanas has really enhanced the concentration abilities of our learners.


The building at New Era Academy incorporates the principle of “building as a learning aid”. With plenty of open spaces, the building design provides facilities for project work, open learning environment and inspires the students to “explore”. The furniture is built using child-friendly material to provide a safe and comfortable learning experience.


Creative skills are distinguished by a high level of interest in music & fine arts and this is strongly encouraged at New Era Academy. Skilled professionals help students to develop their expressive artistic potential and tap it to the hilt. Students are also exposed to public speaking and histrionic skills through elocution, debates, school plays and theatre.

To tap the creative potential in students, New Era Academy offers a unique feature in the form of art and an exhibition gallery which showcases and celebrates student’s work that helps a child to explore his/her passion.