1. It is said if you care for someone show it. Your child needs hugs and words of support. Ask your child about school each day & appreciate him/her regularly.

2. Make home a place for learning. Help your child practice reading, writing and listening Children are like wet clay, whatever falls on then makes an impression.

3. Promote healthy habits. Make sure your child gets plenty of sleep and exercise and eats balanced meals.

4. Schedule regular health checkups. Insist on early to bed and early to rise.

5. Be a role model. Your child learns from you. Be positive about education and show you enjoy learning.

6. Encourage independence. Allow your child to make mistakes and learn to accept the consequences. Teach them the values.

7. Give your child responsibilities, make him/her responsible.

8. Get involved. Meet your child’s teacher on appointment, attend school events. Try to set your schedule as per child’s study routine.

9. Help raise your child’s self esteem by setting reachable goals and praising your child’s efforts, not just results. Every child is unique.

10. Insist on good attendance and punctuality.

11. Support your child’s teachers always; try to understand his/her point of view.

12. Let your child’s teacher know about any situations or conditions at home that may affect your child’s ability to concentrate on school work.

13. Encourage your child to read good books other than the text books at least 30 minutes a day.

14. Kindly attend Parent – Teacher Meeting / Orientation Program.

15. Kindly pay the school fees on time.

16. Help raise your child’s sense of pride in making she/he realize that she/he is an integral part of the school.

17. Children must not be given any pocket money, mobile, while coming to school.

18. Parents are requested to explain the rules of the school to their ward.

19. Intimate the school immediately, if there is any change in the address or telephone numbers.

20. School has the right to make necessary changes in timing / rules as per schedule, prior information shall be given to parents.